Concert Series at RB Community

Dear Music Lover‭,‬

We are excited to share the 2024/25‭ ‬RB Community Church Concert Series with you‭! ‬This season features returning favorites alongside new soon-to-be favorites‭. ‬There is truly something for every taste‭, ‬from jazz to classical‭, ‬french chansons to renaissance motets.‬

Our team remains committed to offering concerts that are free and open to everyone‭. ‬This is only possible through your continuing‭ ‬generous support‭. ‬You may contribute financially by sending your donation to the church‭ ‬‭(17010 Pomerado Rd, San Diego, CA 92128) with ‬checks made out to RBCPC with‭ ‬“Concert Series”‭ ‬in the memo line. ‬You may also give online‭ by clicking here and selecting‭ ‬“concert series”‭ ‬from the fund dropdown menu‭. ‬Most importantly‭, ‬you can show support by inviting friends and family to attend our concerts‭.‬

Thank you for keeping music and the arts alive in Rancho Bernardo‭. ‬I look forward to greeting you at our concerts this year‭.‬

Musically Yours,

Elizabeth Virkler (Director of Worship, Music and the Arts)

Sign-up for email updates and reminders here

list of Concert Series events
Events held and scheduled by us
  • 4:00 pm
  • Fellowship Hall
  • 4:00 pm
  • Sanctuary
Concert Series news
Be part of a community of people experiencing God together.
Join our Christmas Concert Choir

RB Community Church choirs present an annual Christmas Concert as part of the concert series. The Chancel Choir invites guest singers to join in this special event. This...

En Mémoire

On June 28th, 48 choir members and friends will depart on a tour of France. Our travels will take us into the Loire Valley, up to Normandy, through Giverny, and finally,...