upcoming event
“We are being transformed into his image.” 2 Corinthians 3:18
MusicalKIDS Theater Explorers Spring SHOW!

MusicalKIDS Theater Explorers Spring SHOW!

  • 6:00PM
  • Sanctuary

Come see the SHOW! Our Musical KIDS theater class has worked hard for 12 weeks to bring this delightful pirate story to life on the stage. The Theater Explorers class will join us for a moment on stage too! It’ll be an evening of delight for all ages.

Where: RB Community Church Sanctuary When: Tuesday May 14th 2024 Time: 6:00pm Cost: $1 admission (admission money collected continues to provide tuition assistance for families wanting to attend theater classes and camps).

“Our guiding vision comes from the words of Jesus. ‘From the believers will flow living waters.’ - John 7:38”