We are partnering with Kids Around the World to pack 45,000 meals. The meals consist of rice, lentil beans, dehydrated vegetables, and a protein pack. One hundred boxes (21,600 meals) will be given to Baja Presbyterian Ministries to distribute through Presbyterian churches in Baja. Kids Around the World will distribute the rest of the meals to children and families in developing countries.
Each meal costs $0.25, and with 45,000 meals to pack, the total cost comes to $11,250. Donations are greatly appreciated, made out to RBCPC with “food packing event” in the memo section. Thank you in advance for helping the Missions Committee and Outreach Ministry sponsor this event.
There are several shifts you can sign up for as follows:
8:15 - 9:45 Set Up 9:15 - 12:00 Table Leaders 10:00 - 12:00 Packing the meals