Dont' Go it Alone

Dont' Go it Alone

As our social isolation continues, RB Community Pastoral care continues to provide you with helpful resources for your mental health.

Here are a few:

  1. A confidential emergency telephone line at 858-487-0811 ext. 206

  2. A confidential prayer request line at

  3. A friendly caller – if you would like someone to call you from time to time, just to talk, call 858-487-0811 ext. 221 ~

  4. Parish Nurses are available to confidentially listen and guide you through a difficult time.   858-487-0811 ext. 272 ~ ~

  5. Stephen Ministers are available for those who would like. Here is a comment from a participant:

"The Stephen Ministry offers one-on-one help for anyone who feels the need for a confidante who can listen, discuss, guide you to a resolution, and pray with you.  Their mission is to help you find your own way through your grief.  I have recommended the Stephen Ministry to many members of our groups, and they have all found strength through their interaction with a prayerful and well-trained Stephen Minister."

If you are interested in participating in this program, they stand ready to help you move forward with your new normal.  Please call Barbara Bennett, the contact referral coordinator, at 858-484-4974 to begin the process of seeking help. 

The following information is from José A. Álvarez at the County of San Diego Communications Office. Outbreaks of infectious diseases can be a stressful time. With additional concerns about the economic impact of the pandemic, many may feel overwhelmed with anxiety, fear, or worry.

May is Mental Health Month and County officials are encouraging you to monitor your mental well-being and that of your loved ones. They’re also offering tips on how to mentally cope with pandemics.

Common signs of distress may include:

  1. Feelings of numbness, disbelief, anxiety, or fear

  2. Changes in appetite, energy, and activity levels

  3. Difficulty concentrating

  4. Difficulty sleeping or nightmares and upsetting thoughts and images

  5. Physical reactions, such as headaches, body pains, stomach problems, and skin rashes

  6. Worsening of chronic health problems

  7. Anger or short temper

Luke Bergmann, director of County Behavioral Health Services, said it’s important to keenly observe your mental and emotional wellbeing and to find ways to safely stay connected to your friends and family. Be aware of the signs of stress and know when to seek help for yourself, and those you care about.

While COVID-19 is impacting communities in different ways and to different extents, it is traumatic for all of us.  We all need one another, now maybe more than ever, to get through difficult times,” Bergmann said. “Find ways to stay connected. Call or video chat with friends and family or a support line until it’s safe to do it in person.

Here are other tips to maintain your mental health:

  1. Take care of your body by stretching, taking deep breaths, and meditating.

  2. Eat healthy and well-balanced meals.

  3. Exercise and get plenty of sleep.

  4. Make time to unwind and engage in activities you love, if they’re allowed.

  5. Limit time spent watching, reading or listening to information about the pandemic, even on social media.